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Nutrient-Packed Multigrain Flour Recipes for Hindu Fasting or vrat

Fasting holds significant cultural and spiritual importance in Hindu traditions. During these periods, it's essential to nourish the body with wholesome ingredients. Multigrain flour, a blend of various grains, becomes a valuable addition to fasting recipes, offering not only sustenance but also a rich tapestry of flavors. In this blog post, we'll explore homemade multigrain flour and its delightful culinary applications within the context of Hindu fasting.

multigrain atta recipe for vrat or fasting

Creating Homemade Multigrain Flour for varat:

Crafting your multigrain flour for Hindu fasting involves selecting grains that align with dietary restrictions. Here's a customized recipe:


- 1 cup Rajgira (Amaranth) flour

- 1/2 cup Singhara (Water Chestnut) flour

- 1/4 cup Kuttu (Buckwheat) flour

- 1/4 cup Samak (Barnyard Millet) flour

- 1/4 cup Sama (Little Millet) flour


1. Combine the flours thoroughly to create a balanced blend.

2. Store the multigrain fasting flour in an airtight container.

Culinary Delights with Multigrain Fasting Flour:

1. Multigrain Paratha:

- Mix multigrain flour with water and a pinch of rock salt.

- Roll out the dough and cook on a hot griddle to make delectable parathas.

2. Navratri Special Kuttu Dosa:

- Blend multigrain flour with grated potatoes and spices to create a batter.

- Make crispy dosas on a skillet using ghee or clarified butter.

3. Fasting Roti with Rajgira:

- Combine Rajgira flour with water to form a dough.

- Roll out the dough and cook on a pan for a delicious alternative to regular rotis.

4. Sabudana Kheer Thickener:

- Utilize multigrain flour to thicken sabudana (tapioca) kheer for added nutrition.

- Garnish with dry fruits and cardamom for a delightful dessert.

Health Benefits of Multigrain Fasting Flour:

1. Complete Proteins: Combines complementary amino acids for a wholesome protein source.

2. Mineral Rich: Provides essential minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

3. Digestive Aid: The fiber content aids in digestion and helps maintain satiety.


In Hindu culture, fasting is not just a spiritual practice but also an opportunity to embrace mindful eating. Multigrain flour, tailored for fasting, offers a palette of textures and tastes while meeting dietary guidelines. From savory parathas to sweet kheer, incorporating homemade multigrain flour into your fasting recipes ensures a nutrient-packed and delicious culinary experience. May your fasting be both spiritually uplifting and gastronomically satisfying!

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