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Ajwain carom seeds

Ajwain seeds, also known as carom seeds, have been a staple in Indian kitchens for centuries. Packed with flavor and numerous health benefits, these tiny seeds add a distinctive taste to a variety of dishes. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of ajwain seeds, exploring their types, nutritional information, benefits, uses, and potential allergies.

HSN Code and GST Percentage

Before we dive into the details, let's cover the technical aspects. The Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) code for ajwain seeds is 09109912. As for the Goods and Services Tax (GST), ajwain seeds fall under the category attracting a GST rate of 5%, making them a cost-effective and accessible spice for all.

Types of Ajwain Seeds

1. Regular Ajwain: Commonly used in Indian cuisine, these seeds have a bold and pungent flavor.

2. Bold Ajwain: Known for its larger size, bold ajwain seeds are prized for their intense aroma.

3. Hybrid Ajwain:A crossbreed of regular and bold varieties, hybrid ajwain combines the best of both worlds.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

| Nutrient | Amount |

| Calories | 305

| Protein | 16.25g

| Carbohydrates | 43.8g

| Fiber | 38g

| Fat | 25.4g

| Calcium | 700mg

| Iron | 16.6mg

| Magnesium | 160mg

| Phosphorus | 175mg

| Potassium | 1260mg

10 Health Benefits of Ajwain Seeds

1. Digestive Aid:

Ajwain seeds help alleviate indigestion and bloating, promoting a healthy digestive system.

2. Relieves Acidity:

The seeds have anti-acidic properties, offering relief from acidity and heartburn.

3. Respiratory Health:

Ajwain seeds are known to ease respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis.

4. Antibacterial Properties:

They possess antibacterial qualities, aiding in the prevention of bacterial infections.

5. Anti-inflammatory:

Ajwain seeds have anti-inflammatory effects, reducing inflammation in the body.

6. Weight Loss Support:

The seeds can boost metabolism, aiding in weight loss efforts.

7. Blood Pressure Regulation:

Ajwain seeds help maintain blood pressure levels within a healthy range.

8. Menstrual Pain Relief:

For women, these seeds can ease menstrual cramps and discomfort.

9. Oral Health:

Chewing ajwain seeds can improve oral hygiene and freshen breath.

10. Detoxification:

Ajwain seeds assist in detoxifying the body, promoting overall well-being.

Uses of Ajwain Seeds

- Culinary Applications: Ajwain seeds are a key ingredient in various Indian dishes, adding depth and flavor.

- Herbal Remedies:Used in Ayurveda, ajwain seeds are incorporated into herbal remedies for various health issues.

Potential Allergies

While ajwain seeds are generally safe for consumption, individuals with allergies to celery or caraway seeds should exercise caution, as they belong to the same botanical family.

In conclusion, ajwain seeds are not only a culinary delight but also a powerhouse of health benefits. Incorporating them into your diet can elevate both the taste and well-being of your meals.

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